Salvation of a Jew

salvation images

Now in the church at Philippi
They faced some deadly foes
There were some men whom Paul called dogs;
His purpose to expose…

These Judaizers, evil men
Who trusted in good works
But underneath their nice façade
Their evil doctrine lurks.

So proudly then, they made their boasts
These enemies of Christ
Destruction soon awaited them
Their evil much despised.

There was a time when Paul had walked
Within their evil ranks
But now by grace, he’s been called out
For which he gives God thanks.

Prestige and persecution now
Mere shadows of his past
His thinking and his faith in God
Have both now been recast.

Those things that once to him were gain
He counted them but loss
For excellency of Christ’s love
He’s preaching now His cross.

Robert Fultz
February 26, 2016

(Based on Philippians 3:1-8)

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