The Things He Made

Acts 5:30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.

The Things He Made

He came unto the world He made
And yet they knew Him not
They spat on Him and mocked His name
Yet He, salvation brought.

They nailed His hands and feet that day
With nails from His iron wrought
The crown He wore of His own thorns
His followers distraught.

Jesus died upon a cross
Of wood cut from a tree
Upon that tree that He had made
He died for you and me.

The things He made, against Him used
No place to lay His head
But on that cross, He laid Him down
His blood flowed crimson red.

Robert Fultz
February 10, 2020


Though Jesus was always in complete control and laid down his life willingly, no man being able to take it from him by force and against his will, yet, Peter says that these wicked men “slew” (killed) Jesus and hanged him on a tree (the cross). Jesus submitted to allow them to do this to him. He could have stopped it at any time, but did not, in submission to his Father’s will.


O Lord, we know that it was our sins that you bore on Calvary and that we are all guilty, therefore, of “slaying” you. Those who lash out at Jews as “Christ killers” forget that we all for whom he died are guilty of his death. It was our sins that put him there. But you laid down your life for us, your sheep, willingly. For the joy set before you, you endured the cross. Let us endure our crosses too, Lord, for the joy you have set before us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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