Love Your Brother


Love Your Brother

To say, “I love you, God,” then turn
Around and hate my brother
Makes me a liar; God is true
I learned this from my mother.

One day I saw the Lord transform
My mother’s hate to love
She fell in love with Jesus Christ
A blessing from above!

The hate she’d harbored disappeared
And then, she loved her neighbors
And now she’s gone to be with Christ
She’s resting from her labors.

But I believe that up above
There is no hatred there
Let’s have no hatred in our hearts
But only God’s love share!

Robert Fultz
February 25, 2020


If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
1 John 4:20


Holding hate in your heart for ANYONE and claiming that you love God is impossible. We are taught to love our neighbors, our enemies, God, and last but not least, ourselves. How can we love ourselves and hold hate towards another person? Jesus lived his life and showed us how to live ours. Through words, thoughts, and actions, we must pursue a life of love, not hate.


I love you, my God. I want to know that at every moment, spreading Your love through my own words and actions. Forgive me for holding hate in my heart for others, and help me amend the hateful words and actions that I have said and done. I ask that You help me love all around me and myself, in a way that You find holy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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