Have We Forgotten God?

Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Have We Forgotten God?

Into Hell, they shall be turned
The wicked and all nations
Have you forgotten God, my friend
Expect His visitations.

The Lord came to Jerusalem
But they received Him not
He visited again in wrath
Destruction’s what they got.

When wicked men forget the Lord
His judgments soon will fall
The Judge of all the earth will come
On His name we should call.

The earth is God’s and He can do
Whatever He may please
We should be calling on His name
Let’s fall down on our knees.

We have forgotten Him, it’s true
God, please forgive our sin
Have mercy now; deliver us
From this mess that we’re in.

Robert Fultz
April 9, 2020


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