Jesus Indicts His Foes

Jesus Indicts His Foes

The Jewish people and their guides
Accused our Lord of casting
Those demons out by Satan’s power
They constantly were blasting.

They slandered in stupidity
The Christ, the Lord of glory
Accepting darkness for their light
Their lives a sad, sad story.

Six woes to them, our Lord pronounced
For greed and wickedness
They cleaned the outside of the cup
Inside they were a mess.

Ignoring justice and God’s love
In selfishness and pride
They loved to take the highest seats
Were sin, personified.

They laid on men such heavy loads
Which they would never touch
Nor lift a finger just to help.
Religion was their crutch.

These murderers shed lots of blood
They hid the truth from men
A stumbling block at Heaven’s door
They would not enter in.

Robert Fultz
February 2, 2017

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