Isaac Stephenson

This is about a young Christian man in our church named Isaac. He was so dedicated to the truth of the Scriptures and always willing to help out with projects at our church. We will never forget Isaac.


Tonight, I’m asking prayer for Isaac
He’s been sick so long
Started last Thanksgiving evening
He was young and strong.
He had a cough that afternoon
No fever, nothing bad
By Sunday morning, critical
His family was sad.
Three months later, he’s not better
Lungs just cannot heal
He set the record on the ECMO
Lung bypass, surreal.
Vanderbilt is out of answers
Will he be transferred
We are praying day and night
Oh, may our prayers be heard!
Will you join with Isaac’s parents
Lifting him in prayer
Pray that God in His great wisdom
Isaac’s life will spare?
Robert Fultz – (Isaac’s pastor) – March 4, 2018

Please note that Isaac went home to be with his Lord. We still miss him, but know that he is no longer sick. We will never forget him. Pastor Robert

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